Company Due Diligence and Valuation

In the business world, the expression, “Don’t trust that deal until you’ve completed your due diligence,” is frequently repeated. It’s true: the consequences of failing to perform thorough company due diligence and valuation could be disastrous both financially as well as reputationally.

Due diligence is the process of scrutinizing all the information that a buyer requires to make an informed decision about whether to purchase a business. Due diligence helps to identify potential risks, and is the basis to realize value over the long term.

Financial due diligence examines the accuracy of a potential company’s income statements, balance sheets and cash flows, as well as reviewing relevant footnotes. This involves identifying any unrecorded liabilities or hidden assets, as well as overstated income that could have a negative impact on the value of a company.

Operational due-diligence on the contrary, is focused on an organization’s ability to function independently from its parent company. At AaronRichards we focus on the capability of a prospective company to expand its operations, increase capacity utilization and supply chain performance, among other things.

Management and Leadership The management and leadership is a crucial part of the due diligence process because it shows the importance of current owners to the success of the company. If the company was started by a single family, it is crucial to determine whether they’re unwilling to sell.

Valuation is the last step of the due diligence process in which investors consider the long-term worth of a company. There are a variety of ways to do this, therefore it’s essential that the method of valuation is selected with care in relation to the size of the company and the type of industry being assessed.

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